RT tante:
Silicon Valley and the other billionaires got their president.
Now realize that those guys are not, not ever, on your side.
RT timbray:
I recommend this for anyone who’s interested in modern cryptography, not frightened of a little math, but not actually a professional: https://www.amazon.science/blog/better-performing-25519-elliptic-curve-cryptography
There are a lot of reasons to like the “25519” key technology, and while this talks about interesting work at AWS to make it safer and faster, it also has maybe the best basic intro to elliptic-curve math that I’ve read anywhere.
RT eugenialoli:
#Switch to #opensource solutions:
Windows: #Linux
Photoshop: #Gimp 3.0-rc
Illustrator: #Inkscape
PremierePro: #Kdenlive, #Shotcut
Office/Acrobat: #OnlyOffice, #LibreOffice
Maya: #Blender
Media: #VLC
Unity: #Godot
ToonBoom: #SynfigStudio, #Pencil2D
InDesign: #Scribus
Nuke: #Natron
Procreate: #Krita
After Effects: #Friction
Mathematica: #SageMath, #SymPy
MatLab: #GnuOctave
Audition: #Audacity
Autocad: #FreeCAD, #QCad
Ableton: #Ardour, #LMMS (daily build)
Lightroom: #DarkTable, #RawTherapee
11:53 [/mastodon] #switch #OpenSource #Linux #gimp #Inkscape #kdenlive #shotcut #onlyoffice #LibreOffice #blender #vlc #godot #synfigstudio #pencil2d #scribus #natron #krita #friction #sagemath #sympy #gnuoctave #audacity #freecad #qcad #ardour #lmms #darktable #rawtherapee #FOSS ●
Der Gospel Train ist wieder auf Tournee und es hat noch viele freie Plätze! #Konzert #Chor #music #live
RT lauren:
The way things are going, we’re going to end up with #Mastodon as the only social media platform left standing that not only isn’t controlled by billionaires, but by its very nature cannot be effectively controlled by billionaires. In this respect we’ve come full circle to the days before widespread public access to the Internet, when individual sites used the public telephone network and low speed modems to create ad hoc data networks for email and public discussions.
Everything old is new again.
RT dlr_next:
+++ An dieser Stelle einmal mehr unsere nachdrückliche Empfehlung: Bitte in der Nacht auf Sonntag nicht - wir wiederholen: nicht - die Zeit umstellen, sondern nur die Uhren. Wie schon oft angemerkt kann es sonst zu Rissen im Raumzeit-Kontinuum kommen. +++
RT williampietri:
@Gargron Having taken VC money for a startup, I want to confirm for others everything you’ve said. They promise big returns to their investors, but most startups fail, so they need the successful ones to make gobs of cash. Modest successes get pushed to take big risks until they get rich or die trying. And if they do win big, they’ll be pushed to extract ever more cash, causing enshittification. That’s the VC game, and Mastodon is smart not to play it.
RT jk:
i think the privatization and financialization of everyday services and goods has done more than anything in culture to make society decohere. interacting with the world on basically any level now largely consists of attempting to outwit giant systems designed to exploit you. from the perspective of an individual, there is virtually no consistent expectation of any duty of care, moral responsibility, or trust evident in daily life, so there’s little to suggest you value those qualities either
RT uligeisler:
USA: Mal eine andere Sicht auf engagierte Christ:innen.
#Glaube #Kirche #fedikirche #evangelisch #christen #zivilcourage
09:26 [/mastodon] #glaube #kirche #FediKirche #evangelisch #christen #zivilcourage ●
RT Gargron:
Mastodon is financed by crowdfunding instead of venture capital not because we don’t know that venture capital exists, not because we don’t have bills to pay, and not because venture capital isn’t willing to give money to new social media platforms. VCs don’t want a sustainable business, they want a big exit. Every VC-backed business is on a timer to deliver or die.
RT gruff:
A little known fact that Queen Elizabeth II sent this message, unsolicited, to all ARPANET users way back in 1976.
Thus, becoming the world’s very first spammer. :)
RT hiker:
@adipoeserPursch Das uralte Problem: Diejenigen, die entscheiden, haben von der Materie kaum eine Ahnung. Die Leute “unten” in der Hierarchie (an der Front), aber voll in der Materie drin und die genau wissen, um was es geht, werden nicht gefragt und nicht in Entscheidungen einbezogen. Dazu hat die Hierarchie viel zu vielen Stufen und ist so enorm langsam. @bbolli @adfichter
RT adfichter:
🔥 🔥 🔥 Ich hab nun endlich das Protokoll (August 2023) erhalten, in denen die #Cyberattacken gegen #Microsoft kritisch innerhalb der #Bundesverwaltung diskutiert worden sind. So hatte eine chinesische Hackergruppe namens Storm-0558 sich Zugang zu Email-Konten verschafft.
Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt vertraute der Schweizer Staat 100% dem IT-Giganten aus Redmond. Und fand es nie nötig, sich dessen Securitymechanismen mal genauer anschauen und erklären zu lassen.
20:11 [/mastodon] #cyberattacken #microsoft #Bundesverwaltung ●
Die reden ja gar nicht über das eigentliche Problem, sondern nur wie sie sich hinter Prozessen und Compliance verstecken können. Oder habe ich das falsch gelesen?
RT jack:
Doug McIlroy — Unix pipes, diff, spellchecking, macro pioneer whose work fed into Hart’s impementation of Lisp macros, &c, &c — on driving to MIT from NJ to hear McCarthy give a talk on Lisp in 1959.
RT hareldan:
Fuck Microsoft and Fuck Nadella.
As expected, the 24H2 update installed ‘Recall’, it can’t be uninstalled.
To disable the Microcoft spyware, run this as admin
C:\Windows\System32>Dism /Online /Disable-Feature /Featurename:Recall
Can’t vouch that all the people you share your screen, code, IP, private details, will disable theirs. consider NOT sharing anything ever again.