#! /usr/bin/python

'''Python client to update your dynamic DNS entry.

        dyndns.py <userid> <password> [ip=<my-ip>] [wildcard=ON]
        dyndns.py -f <filename>|-
        dyndns.py -h|-v

The defaults are the server-detected IP address and no wildcards,
so the only mandatory arguments are <userid> and <password>.

The format of the configuration file is as follows:


userid and password must be the first two lines of the file, the remaining
parameters depend on the respective dynamic DNS provider.

The file name "-" means to read the configuration form standard input.
This is useful if you have the configuration in an encrypted file, like this:

        decrypt dyndns.conf | dyndns.py -f -

See also www.dyndns.org, www.yi.org, eyep.net, gnudip.cheapnet.net'''

import sys, os, time, string, re, urllib, httplib, base64
import nettools

def day():
        '''returns the number of days since the Epoch (1970-01-01)'''
        return int(time.time() / 24 / 3600)


class DynamicDNS:
        '''This is the abstract base class for all dynamic DNS clients.'''

        version = 'dyndns.py 0.2/2000-04-14 <beat.bolli@earthling.net>'

        server = ''             # host [:port] to send request to
        url = ''                # base request URL
        request = 'GET'         # or POST
        command_ip = ''         # name of IP argument to server
        command_host = ''       # name of host name argument to server
        commands = []           # list of other known commands
        arguments = {}          # hash of arguments and their values
        str_success = ''        # unique string indicating success
        str_error = ''          # unique string indicating error
        policy = 0              #  0: update always
                                # -1: update when IP address changes only
                                #  n: update when IP address changes,
                                #     but at least every n days (n>0)
        verbose = 1

        def __init__(self):
                self.name = self.__class__.__name__
                self.ip = nettools.localaddr()
                self.host = ''
                self.cfg = []
                        home = os.environ['HOME']
                except KeyError:
                        home = '/etc'
                if not os.path.isdir(home):
                        home = ''
                self.cfg_file = home + '/.dyndns'
                self.state = 3, 'not finished'

        def read_config(self):
                        f = open(self.cfg_file)
                        self.cfg = f.readlines()
                        print 'Can not read configuration file'
                        self.cfg = []
                for i in range(len(self.cfg)):
                        c = self.cfg[i].split(':')
                        if len(c) >= 4 \
                        and c[0] == self.name and c[1] == self.host:
                                del self.cfg[i]
                                return c[2], int(c[3])
                return '*', 0

        def write_config(self):
                c = ':'.join( (self.name, self.host, self.ip, str(day())) )
                self.cfg.insert(0, c + '\n')
                        f = open(self.cfg_file, 'w')
                        print 'Can not write configuration file'

        def update(self, userid, password, args):

                self.userid = userid
                self.password = password

                # scan the arguments
                for arg in args:
                        arg = arg.strip()
                        if '=' not in arg or arg[:1] == '#':
                        key, val = arg.split('=', 1)
                        key, val = key.strip().lower(), val.strip()
                        if not val:
                        if key == 'ip':
                                if self.command_ip:
                                        self.arguments[self.command_ip] = self.ip = val
                                        print 'Ignoring IP address', val
                        elif key == 'host':
                                if self.command_host:
                                        self.arguments[self.command_host] = self.host = val
                                        print 'Ignoring host name', val
                        elif key in self.commands:
                                self.arguments[key] = val
                                print 'Ignoring argument', arg

                # check the policy
                last_ip, last_update = self.read_config()

                if last_ip == self.ip:  # policy applies only unless address has changed
                        if self.policy == -1 \
                        or self.policy > 0 \
                        and last_update + self.policy >= day():
                                if self.verbose:
                                        print self.name, 'policy says update is not neccessary.'
                                self.state = 0, 'update not neccessary'

                # talk to the server
                errcode, errmsg, headers, reply = self.protocol()

                if self.verbose:
                        print errcode, errmsg
                        # print headers
                        print reply

                # check for success
                if errcode == 200:
                        if re.search(self.str_success, reply):
                                self.state = 0, 'update successful'
                        elif self.str_error and re.search(self.str_error, reply):
                                self.state = 1, 'error:\n\n' + reply
                                self.state = 2, 'not OK'
                        self.state = -errcode, errmsg

        def protocol(self):
                '''The default HTTP protocol'''

                # allow some special treatment by the subclass
                if self.url is None:
                        if self.verbose:
                                print 'Cancelled...'
                        return 0, 'Cancel', '', ''

                # stick the arguments onto the URL
                content = urllib.urlencode(self.arguments)
                if self.request == 'GET':
                        self.url = self.url + content
                        content = None

                # authenticate
                auth = self.auth()

                # are we going through a proxy?
                        server = os.environ['http_proxy']
                        self.url = 'http://' + self.server + self.url
                except KeyError:
                        server = self.server

                if self.verbose:
                        print 'Server:', server
                        if auth:
                                print 'Authorization:', auth
                        print self.request, self.url

                # send the request
                h = httplib.HTTP(server)
                h.putrequest(self.request, self.url)
                h.putheader('Host', self.server)
                h.putheader('Connection', 'close')
                h.putheader('Accept', '*/*')
                h.putheader('User-Agent', self.version)
                if auth:
                        h.putheader('Authorization', auth)
                if content:
                        h.putheader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
                        h.putheader('Content-Length', '%d' % len(content))
                if content:
                        if self.verbose:
                                print content

                # return the results
                errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
                reply = h.getfile().read()

                return errcode, errmsg, headers, reply

        def url_hook(self):

        def auth_none(self):
                return ''

        def auth_basic(self):
                a = base64.encodestring(self.userid + ':' + self.password)
                return 'Basic ' + a.strip()

        # def auth_xxx(sel):    # to be defined...

        auth = auth_basic       # default authentication scheme

        def __str__(self):
                return self.name + ': %d (%s)' % self.state

        def ok(self):
                return self.state[0] == 0


class dyndns_org(DynamicDNS):

        command_ip = 'myip'
        command_host = 'hostname'
        commands = ['wildcard', 'mx', 'backmx']
        str_success = 'good '

        server = 'members.dyndns.org'
        url = '/nic/update?'
        policy = 20


class yi_org(DynamicDNS):

        command_ip = 'ipaddr'
        str_success = 'STATUS:OK'
        str_error = 'STATUS:ERROR'

        server = 'www.yi.org'
        url = '/bin/dyndns.fcgi?'
        policy = 1


class eyep_net(DynamicDNS):

        command_ip = 'ip'
        command_host = 'host'

        server = 'eyep.net'
        url = '/update-new.php3/'
        str_success = 'RETURN4'

        auth = DynamicDNS.auth_none

        def url_hook(self):
                self.url = self.url + self.userid + '/' + \
                        self.password + '/' + self.arguments['host'] + '/'
                if self.arguments.has_key('ip'):
                        self.url = self.url + self.arguments['ip'] + '/'
                self.arguments = {}


class ez_ip_net(DynamicDNS):

        command_ip = 'ipaddress'
        commands = ['mx', 'wildcard', 'preferred']
        arguments = {'mode': 'update'}

        server = 'www.ez-ip.net'
        url = '/members/update/?'
        str_success = 'OK'

        def url_hook(self):
                if self.arguments.has_key('preferred'):
                        self.url = '/members/preferred/update/?'
                        del self.arguments['preferred']


class gnudip(DynamicDNS):

        commands = ['domain']
        arguments = { 'updatehost': 'Go' }

        server = 'www.cheapnet.net'
        url = '/cgi-bin/gnudip2.cgi/'
        request = 'POST'

        def url_hook(self):
                self.str_success = string.replace(self.ip, '.', r'\.')
                self.arguments['username'] = self.userid
                self.arguments['password'] = self.password


class gnudip_MD5(DynamicDNS):

        server = 'gnudip.cheapnet.net'
        port = 3495
        command_host = 'domain'
        str_success = '0'
        str_error = '1'
        verbose = 1

        def digest(self, s):
                '''returns a hex representation of s's MD5 hash'''
                import md5
                d = md5.new(s).digest()
                return string.join(map(
                        lambda c: string.zfill(hex(ord(c))[2:], 2), d
                ), '')

        def protocol(self):
                '''This server uses a propietary protocol.'''

                import socket

                # connect to the server
                s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                s.connect( (self.server, self.port) )

                # read the server challenge (10 random characters)
                challenge = s.recv(64)[:10]
                if self.verbose:
                        print 'Challenge:', challenge

                # calculate the digest of our password's digest plus the challenge
                digest = self.digest(self.password)
                secret = self.digest(digest + '.' + challenge)

                # send the update command
                cmd = string.join( (self.userid, secret, self.host, '0'), ':')
                if self.verbose:
                        print 'Command:', cmd
                s.send(cmd + '\n')

                # read the reply
                reply = str(s.recv(1024))

                return 200, 'OK', '', reply


class uptime_net(DynamicDNS):

        command_host = 'hid'

        server = 'data.uptimes.net'
        url = '/server.html'
        request = 'POST'
        string_success = 'UP4: 000'

        def procread(self, file):
                return open('/proc/' + file).read().split()

        def url_hook(self):
                args = self.arguments
                import os
                # uptime and idle percentage
                        up, idle = map(float, self.procread('uptime')[:2])
                except IOError:
                        self.url = None
                args['uptime'] = '%d' % (up / 60)
                args['idle'] = '%d' % (100 * idle / up)
                # load
                        args['load'] = self.procread('loadavg')[0]
                except IOError:
                # OS, OS level and CPU type
                if hasattr(os, 'uname'):
                        u = os.uname()
                        args['os'] = u[0]
                        args['oslevel'] = u[2]
                        args['cpu'] = u[4]


def update(DynamicDNSProvider, userid, password, *args):
        p = DynamicDNSProvider()        # class parameter!
        p.update(userid, password, args)
        print p
        if not p.ok():
                print 'Press <Enter> to continue'
                sys.stdin.readline()    # wait
        print '-' * 64

def main():
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
        argc = len(argv)
        if argc == 0 or argv[0] == '-h':
                print __doc__
        elif argv[0] == '-v':
                print DynDNS.version
        elif argv[0][:2] == '-f':
                if argc == 1 and argv[0][2:]:
                        file = argv[0][2:]
                elif argc == 2:
                        file = argv[1]
                        print 'Missing filename'
                if file == '-':
                        fp = sys.stdin
                                fp = open(file)
                        except IOError:
                                print 'Error opening', file
                argv = fp.read().split()
        elif argc < 2:
                print 'Missing argument'

        update(dyndns_org, *argv)


update(dyndns_org, 'test', 'test', 'host=test.ath.cx')  # DynDNS test account

print 'Done.'